Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD)

As part of our company’s ongoing research and development, we evaluate the design performance of our products by simulating technical parameters and using the Finite Element Method (FEM). This process enables us to optimise our products.

Here are some simulation results (Results are NOT time-dependent):


– Simulation of fluid density [kg/m^3] in the closed housing of the coffee roasting machine throughout the drum (roasting chamber) and cooling system;

One of the most frequently employed properties for the identification of a fluid is its density.

pražičky kávy- coffee roasting machines- Čerstvo pražená káva

– Simulation of fluid temperature [oC];

The objective of this study is to analyse the temperature profiles that occur during coffee roasting process. Thermal analysis simulations provide valuable insights into temperature distribution, heat transfer rates, heat flux rates, hot spots, and other key factors, enabling highly accurate predictions.

pražičky kávy- coffee roasting machines- Čerstvo pražená káva-Simulation of fluid temperature

– Simulation of dynamic pressure [Pa] (the difference between total pressure and static pressure);

The simulations provide insights into the design of completion geometry, pipe length, pipe ID, pressure ratio and fluid composition, with the objective of controlling the gas flow rate by means of an appropriate exhaust fan (total pressure was 98412 Pa and the exhaust-fan efficiency was 200 m³/h).

pražičky kávy- coffee roasting machines- Čerstvo pražená káva-Simulation of dynamic pressure

– The following numerical results have been carried out from simulations inside the double-drum along the blade edges 1, 2 and 3;

pražičky kávy- coffee roasting machines- Čerstvo pražená káva-Numerical results of simulations

* Contact us for any queries, more info & price requests  (


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