COOC, s.r.o company
We construct coffee roasters based on scientific design and research in the field of coffee industry. Our developments lie in the design selection and precise control of technical factors to maximise the flavour development of coffee beans. The company plans to merge products with other technologies to create value for customers. Extensive performance evaluation is carried out to optimise coffee roasters to control variable technical parameters such as roasting time, drum temperature, air flow, roasting drum packing density of coffee to air space, bean movement within the roasting chamber, heat transfer ratios, drum or roasting chamber materials, etc.
Unique design has been developed compared to other products in the market. Only high quality materials are used in the construction of COOC coffee roasters. Our coffee roasters are combined with other systems and technologies to improve the art of coffee roasting and research. Continuous support to provide excellent customer service and support to ensure customer satisfaction. Commitment to developing the simplest possible interface for roasting consistent coffee, improving its quality and bringing transparency to operators. Continuous research, development & manufacturing of coffee roasting machines is a long-term challenge for the company to build strong customer relationships.
Research & Development
Design & Construction
Product Applications
Customer Service
Long-term Goal
We are proud of your trust.
COOC, s.r.o.
Váš online eshop s kávou
Prečo podávame čerstvú kávu? Kávu pražíme každý týždeň, aby bola čo najlepšia. Neskladujeme ju dlhšie, pretože chceme mať istotu, že je vždy tej najvyššej kvality. To je jeden z hlavných rozdielov medzi našou kávou a kávou z obchodu, kde dlho leží. Je ťažšie vypestovať kvalitnú kávu Arabica, ktorá má jemnejšiu, plnšiu chuť a je aromatickejšia. Robusta má viac kofeínu ako arabica, ale chutí zemito a horko.
S potešením vám predaj čerstvo pražená zrnková káva z z našich miestnych pražiarní na Slovensku. Našou prioritou je zabezpečiť, aby bola dodávaná káva vždy čerstvá, preto pražíme v malých množstvách a častejšie.